Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well, I have 4 CEU's left (continuing education units) before my Ohio Nursing License is eligible for re-activation. Amazing. Today I started to think about the hiring process...forget about the fact that I haven't been gainfully employed for nearly 7 years, how do you write a resume that will sound appealing to a hospital or employment agency? Wow...all these things you forget about in the comfort of your stay-at-home lifestyle now ever present and daunting. I used to have a pretty good resume. I thought my resume writing abilities were great and it was a very easy process, but what do you write about when you haven't done anything "professional" in a long time. Sure I have some experience with the FRG, but I have been taking care of little ones and attending to their every need for 10 years now. I've lost a lot of what made me a good nurse simply because the opportunities didn't present themselves. My brain cells have been fried, or lost due to multiple pregnancies and my ability to complete sentences and thoughts for that matter has all but vanished also. When I sit down to interview with my perspective employer, what do I say? I'm desparate for a position because I have 4 babies at home and my husband decided he didn't want to be responsible anymore? I beg you to give me a position because I don't have enough money to provide for my children...what a demeaning position he has left me in...forget about the fact that he isn't taking care of us, forget about the fact that he isn't "in love" with me anymore, now I'm reduced to this. I truly hope when the time comes, I have better answers and can complete sentences that are reasonable and intelligent. At least I'll have the refresher course from a well-known University on my resume to make it look like I'm trying...Don't get me wrong, I love nursing and in some sort of sick way, I'm looking forward to getting paid for caring for people. It was very fulfilling and rewarding for me. I don't know how it's changed, but I hope that aspect is still present. I'm afraid I'm going to have to settle for a position just to get my foot back in the door, but I guess I'll do my time again. Seems I always end up doing time, but at least this will be MY time, MY life, MY new beginning.

1 comment:

Momma, Momma, Momma!!! said...

You are truly gifted in this area and I am certain it will be like riding a bike! As for being desparate. . .I think not! The "employer" will see that you have chosen to care for your family for 7 years. Not to mention your spirit is so giving and nurturing, they will know they are lucky to have you considering working at their hospital! God will provide the perfect opportunity ~ He always rewards obedience, even if it looks different than we expected. One minute at a time, my friend! We love you!


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