Friday, February 27, 2009

Finally done

Well, it's finally done. I still have a lot of work to do, but my house is actually on the market. Now we'll see if we can actually keep it clean! I have to go through a few things and organize a lot more. I've kind of fallen off the bandwagon, and now I have to get back on and fast! If any of you have any pointers, I'd appreciate all input. It looks like the kids and I are going to be finding as many activities OUTSIDE of the home as possible so it can stay clean. I just hope the weather cooperates! Anyway...the sign's in the please pray it sells (just not too quickly!).

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Crazy week

What a crazy week this has been. It started with Holly having the stomach flu for 5 days. She was beginning to feel better Monday but I kept her home. As it turns out, Monday at her school, an older woman (grandma) pulled up in the handicapped parking space in front of the playground her class plays on and drove under/through the fence and hit the slide off the playset and stopped just short of the glass windows to the parish hall. Just minutes before they had gotten the kids off the playground and several people were still standing outside (it was a beautiful day) talking and taking their time getting their kids to their cars. It was a very traumatic event for alot of moms, teachers and the preschool director. The woman was fine, just shaken up as were many people that day. Amazingly, no one was hurt.

Wednesday I lost my cell phone at the commissary. Normally I would say this isn't a big deal because I don't particularly like having it all the time, but when David is gone, it is the only way for the schools to communicate with a parent when I'm not home so I am much better about having it and turning it on when he is not home. Fortunately it was found 2 days problems.

Thursday, a certain female child decided to turn on the shower and "wait for it to get hot". 10 minutes later, I heard a flood of water in the ceiling in the kitchen and suddenly water flowed from the light fixture and seams between the sheetrock...I ran up the stairs pushed the curtain in the tub, turned off the water and started grabbing anything that could soak up water to dry up the I have to repair and paint the ceiling in the kitchen before I try to sell our house...soon.

Friday am, same female child decided she wanted ramen for lunch. She put it in my pampered chef microwave cooker and cooked it for 3 minutes...without water. Needless to say I need to get a new micro cooker and our house smelled awful all day! Even with open windows and fans on.

Saturday a couple more things happened that I can't even post and needless to say, I have had a WEEK! Thank GOD it is over and we can start fresh. Don't you love waking up in the morning knowing that a new day has arrived and it will hopefully be better than the day before?

Well, now that I have new work ahead of me and one less day to do it (ie children have no school) I will be planning a preparing a little more.

BTW, I am trying to train for a 1/2 marathon in April down in Nashville. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. I am 10 weeks away, running 3-4 times per week and am running about 4-5 miles each now. I am also attempting to do cross-fit still, but it is harder to come up with my workouts. It's all good though...hee, hee.

Well, it is time to get the kids ready for bed, but I decided to share a peek into my world lately. Trying to get a house ready to be put on the market, raising 4 kids, ballet/baseball, and training for a marathon... I guess my life is a marathon at the moment. Wish me luck!


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